Entries by sharper

Five questions for René Doff, Thomas Miller

Who are you and what is your job? I am René Doff and I am the Chief Risk Officer of Thomas Miller in Rotterdam. We manage the European presence of the UK P&I Club and TT Club from our – still relatively new – office just next to Hotel New York. What does a typical […]

Proper networking at RMSC breakbulk lunch

On May 22 the RMSC had the pleasure to organise the third consecutive breakbulk business lunch at Rotterdam Ahoy. The event took place at the stand of RMSC member MS Amlin during Breakbulk Europe 2024. With a barista on hand, many members and business relations gathered for coffee and sandwiches, and most importantly, to expand […]

Masterclass energy transition in shipping

Join the Rotterdam Mainport Institute (RMI) on Tuesday May 28 for a masterclass about the energy transition in shipping, with a special focus on topics from the Maritime Masterplan (MMP). The event will be hosted from 18.00 – 21.00 in the STC building at the Lloydstraat in Rotterdam. The masterclass includes a complementary buffet. During […]

Five questions for Niels van der Noll, UNUM Arbitration and Mediation

Who are you and what is your job? My name is Niels van der Noll. I have been working in the port and shipping industry since 1 February 1990. A Rotterdam native, I have worked in the port of Amsterdam for many years, since 1994 as a P&I Club Correspondent. My working area has since […]

Rotterdam maintains ranking as undisputed maritime capital of Europe

On April 15 Menon Economics and DNV launched the 2024 edition of the Leading Maritime Cities of the world report. Just like in the 2022 edition Rotterdam is declared as the European leader. Meaning that Rotterdam and the surrounding business regions have managed to keep it’s well deserved title as undisputed maritime capital of Europe. […]

Trend session ‘Port of the Future’

On April 4 2024 a large group of young professionals an industry experts gathered in Rotterdam for the Trend Session – Port of the Future. A collaboration between Deltalinqs, KPMG, and the Rotterdam Maritime Services Community. The session was moderated by Marc Buijs (Young RMSC) and focused on Rotterdam as the food hub of Europe. […]

RMSC Advisory Board March 15 2024

On the 15th of March, our bi-annual advisory board meeting was held at city hall. The RMSC advisory board consists of representatives from the Rotterdam maritime and business world. This particular meeting was the first that was attended in person by alderman and vice-mayor Robert Simons. Also in attendance for the first time were Kitty […]

General Assembly February 28 2024

On the 28th of February members of the RMSC were invited to the World Port Center at the Wilhelminapier, where the Port of Rotterdam graciously welcomed us to organise the annual General Assembly. With a sizable share of our members present, the board first looked back on 2023, in which a number of well received […]

Recap: Batteries in the Maritime World – Shipment, Storage, and Risks

On 21st March 2024, the RMSC and Wista Rotterdam held a joint event on the shipment and storage of Lithium-Ion batteries. The meeting was hosted by Thomas Miller in Rotterdam and took place in Hotel New York. There was a large participation from both RMSC and Wista. Four speakers guided the attendees through the risks […]

New RMSC manager

After more than 6 years of dedicated service, Linda Treuman has made the decision to step down from her role as the manager of RMSC. Although we regret her departure, we respect her decision. During Linda’s term as the manager of RMSC, the membership has significantly grown, and RMSC has gained recognition both nationally and […]

RMSC meets PortXL

Just like previous years the RMSC was happy to share its expertise to the participants during an in depth session with a selection of our members on November 1 2023. Being a true facilitator of growth, the RMSC can help start- and scale-ups at the beginning of their journey. Our members know the different sectors, […]

Recap Community Lunch February 2nd

During our first community lunch of 2024 on February 2nd, we had the pleasure to be enclosed by maritime masterpieces in the Maritime Museum Rotterdam. When walking through the museum, you are indulged in the maritime history AND future of the port of Rotterdam. We gathered with eleven members for coffee next to the painting […]

Five Questions for Martin Lanting, IMU

WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT IS YOUR JOB? I am Martin Lanting, a chauvinistic Rotterdam native, who has founded and built several marine insurance companies as an entrepreneur over the past 40 years. After Dutch P&I and RaetsMarine, I started Insure Marine Underwriting in 2018. My job is CEO responsible for the development and growth […]

Highlights 2023

2023 was a successful year for the Rotterdam Maritime Services Community: we welcomed our 70th (!) member, which shows that the community is seen as a valuable asset. We promoted the Rotterdam maritime business services cluster during international trade missions to both Singapore and London. Two of the most important maritime cities in the world […]

New Year’s Reception 2024

On January 25th about 80 members and enthusiasts gathered at Brouwerij Noordt to toast to the new year, full of opportunities and possibilities. It promises to be a challenging year, and the talks between members on the impact of the Red Sea crisis and the further energy transition were interesting. We were happy to see […]

Expert overview Cybersecurity in the maritime industry

Navigating troubled waters As we all know, the maritime industry is increasingly becoming a target for`cybercriminals, especially as it remains the backbone of global trade. Regulatory frameworks from the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the European Union exist, though the adoption rate of cybersecurity measures must be faster. This RMSC Expert Overview is written by […]

Joint approach to ship finance

During Europort 2023 the RMSC, the Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners (KVNR), Netherlands Maritime Technology (NMT), and Rotterdam Ahoy organised a joint Ship Finance Pavilion. Facilitating informal dialogues between finance experts and maritime organisations. The pavilion provided a valuable contribution to the Europort programme by connecting ship owners, shipbuilders and maritime suppliers with financial experts. […]

Energizing Young Professionals at Europort 2023

On Friday, November 10, Young RMSC and YoungShip Rotterdam had the pleasure of closing the final day of the Greenstage of the Europort Exhibition (Rotterdam Ahoy). The line-up of speakers allowed for extensive discussions about ‘the current generation gap’ in het maritime industry. Leading to sharp questions from the audience and the conclusion that open […]

Europort 2023

What a busy and vibrant week it was, the second week of November! RMSC members gathered at the opening of Europort 2023 during the Maritime Awards Gala in Rotterdam Ahoy. A great way to speak to lots of business friends and acquaintances. During this evening, innovations were recognized and the RMSC would like to congratulate […]

Five Questions for Edward van Gruijthuijsen, Boonk Van Leeuwen Advocaten

WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT IS YOUR JOB? My name is Edward van Gruijthuijsen. I was born in Rotterdam and moved back there after my study in Leiden. Since 2012, I have been working as a lawyer, assisting clients on a wide range of legal issues related to insolvency law, employment law and commercial litigation […]

London International Shipping Week 2023 – RMSC Business Lunch

On either side of the North Sea, the Netherlands and the UK are among each other’s main trade and investment partners, both sharing the drive to shape a sustainable and smart maritime sector. Therefore, during the London International Shipping Week (September 2023), the RMSC was a proud co-organiser of the maritime trade mission to London. […]

RMSC Community Lunch August 25

On a sunny friday noon (August 25), we met with a smaller group of RMSC members for the first community lunch. A new set up where members can meet informally and at the same time have a chance to talk a bit longer to each other.  During the knowledge sharing and networking events, this is […]

In the limelight: Boudewijn Baan of TOP Management Consultants

TOP Management Consultants is one of the newer members of the Rotterdam Maritime Services Community. But who are they and what kind of expertise do they have to offer the maritime industry? Here, Boudewijn Baan, coach, trainer, consultant, and co-owner of this unique maritime consultancy firm, elaborates. For almost 35 years, TOP Management Consultants have […]

Maritime Masterplan

Ships are essential for transport, food production, coastal protection and defense. In addition, they play a fundamental role in the generation of renewable energy (offshore wind). That is why the sector has compiled the Maritime Masterplan, which received good news at the end of June: 210 million euros will be allocated for a sustainable development […]

Five questions for Danny van Eijk, recruiter at MARPRO.

Who are you and what is your job description? My name is Danny van Eijk, I have been in the maritime industry for over 25 years working in both the supply industry as well as in the service industry. The largest part of my career I was responsible for sales of the Europort Exhibition. These […]

Recap RMSC knowledge sharing event at Simwave

Incident Analysis – of upmost importance for safety and learning During the recent RMSC knowledge sharing event, our member Simwave welcomed us at their premises – the Maritime Centre of Excellence in Barendrecht. Simwave is one of the world’s largest training facilities which holds a staggering 59+ simulators and provides a unique variety of training […]

RMSC Breakbulk business lunch

a great time to meet. On June 7 the RMSC had the pleasure to organise the second consecutive breakbulk business lunch. The event was hosted in the stand of RMSC member MS Amlin at Breakbulk Europe 2023. In combination with a 25% membership discount on entrance tickets, the lunch made a visit to the exhibition […]

Maritime trade mission during London International Shipping Week

The RMSC is proud to announce that this September we will join forces with the Netherlands embassy in London and the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) to organise a marititme trade mission to the UK. The trade mission will take place during the London International Shipping Week. After two successful earlier editions of the RMSC and […]

Research Centre Business Innovation

Last month, RMSC manager Linda Treuman visited Arjen van Klink of the Research Centre Business Innovation. This is part of the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences (‘Hogeschool Rotterdam’). Arjen and Linda know each other from the Master in maritime education. The Research Centre conducts applied research together with small- and medium-sized companies in various industries […]

Five questions for Bas Noorman, FDR-Risk

WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT IS YOUR JOB? Bas Noorman, 33 years in shipping in different roles and now happy to be part of the FDR-Risk team. Building our presence in the different trade hubs to serve our clients worldwide. With a perfect mix between young enthusiastic dynamic thinking professionals and the expertise of years […]

5 questions for … Joost Bout – NESEC

With the ‘five questions for’ series individual RMSC members get the opportunity to introduce themselves to the network. In this edition Joost Bout talks about his role as Loan Portfolio Manager at NESEC. Who are you and what is your job description? Joost Bout, 36, living in Rotterdam but originally from Yerseke (Zeeland) and my […]

Young Maritime Board calls for investment in Young Professionals

According to the Young Maritime Board (YMB), where Marc Buijs is representing Young RMSC, it is all hands on deck when it comes to keeping Young Professionals in the maritime sector “on board’. That is why the YMB presented five recommendations to the Rotterdam Maritime Board on 22 March based on a survey filled in […]

Lodewijk Wisse: An efficient way to settle shipping disputes at reasonable cost

Recently RMSC member UNUM interviewed Lodewijk Wisse, Senior Policy Advisor Fiscal and Legal Affairs, at the the Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners about the benefits of dispute resolution through the Dutch system and UNUM in particular. A strong supporter of arbitration Lodewijk Wisse is a strong supporter of arbitration as a means for resolving shipping […]

Young Maritime Board talent survey

We are proud that our very own Young RMSC is represented in the Young Maritime Board (YMB). Currently the YMB is curious about the motives of young professionals to work in the maritime sector and how the sector can respond to this to become more attractive. That is why they have set up a survey […]

Expert overview Dutch Tonnage Tax Regime

As shipping industry is very capital-intensive, the Netherlands support this industry by providing tax facilities for shipping industry. Therefore, the Dutch favourable tonnage tax regime is another important reason why shipping companies have a presence in the Netherlands. To keep supporting the shipping industry the Netherlands intends to exempt certain income from shipping international shipping […]

Maritime Studies Knock out Quiz by RMSC for 70 students: we have a winner!

This week was the final week for the 70 students of the Maritime Studies program of the Erasmus UPT executed for Nanyang technical University. The program consisted of four months intensive courses in Rotterdam, combined with field visits and skills development. For example in scenario planning. Very important for the energy transition and digital transitions […]

Meet the Rotterdam Maritime Services Community

Recently the Rotterdam Maritime Services Community created a special video provide insights into the role and importance of maritime business services to the maritime and port industry. Sit back and have a look what Michiel Steenman of Zuyderzee Capital, René Doff of Thomas Miller, Gulsev Yildizturan of C&B More, Willemijn Putz of Van Traa Advocaten, […]

Sustainability considerations for banks when financing port and shipping industries

If port and shipping industries don’t want to miss the boat, they should be proactive in their ambition to move beyond simply being compliant with (upcoming) sustainability rules and regulations. Peter van Ees, Banker and Business Developer Renewable Energy at ABN-AMRO, feels that banks are in fact more ambitious, and might just not be willing […]

RMSC meets PortXL 2022

The innovative community in Rotterdam each year expands with the start and scale ups of PortXL – the Accelerator for the Port and Maritime industry. This year, 14 companies have been selected for the program, all focusing on sustainable development in our industry. Looking at sustainable growth for these companies, it is important for them […]

Expert Overview Ship Recycling Regulation

In December 2021 a publication of the European Commission declared the need for decisive enforcement on illegal ship recycling. Criminal liability of shipowners will have to be assessed against specific parameters. Erik Witjens, criminal defence attorney with RMSC member De Reede Advocatuur B.V. has compiled a special RMSC Expert Overview on this topic. The overview […]

Five questions for Keita Shinohara, Green Awarard

WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT IS YOUR JOB? I am Keita Shinohara. Born in Japan but living in Europe (UK and the Netherlands) most of my life. Rotterdam has been my home for the past 21 years. I am the Certification Manager at Green Award Foundation, a job that oversees the ship certification program to […]

Determining the right track in transition risks | AON – WISTA – RMSC

Directly after the general assembly on September 13, Aon also welcomed the ladies of the Women in Shipping and Trade Assication, for a joint knowledge sharing event, about determining the right track in transition risks. From one of the top floors, looking out over the river and Willemsbrug, those attending were in for an afternoon […]

Recap Young RMSC drinks and RTM Port Drinks

On 27 July, the old harbor of Rotterdam welcomed a diverse group of Young RMSC professionals to finally meet each other again in person and enjoy a few refreshing beers. The diverse group which amongst others consisted of professionals working in ship financing, ship brokering, insurances and crew training, facilitated the engaging conversations. These included […]

Commercial and transport law courses overview 2022-2023

Many Dutch universities and other institutes offer (regular and post-graduate) courses in Dutch and/or English on maritime law, transport law (incl. air and space law and law on rail and road transport) and related areas of law such as commercial law, law on competition and public procurement, customs, energy and water, environment, insurance, logistics and […]

Young RMSC Summer Drinks – 27 July

On 27 July, the old harbor of Rotterdam welcomed a diverse group of Young RMSC professionals to finally meet each other again in person and enjoy a few refreshing beers. The diverse group which amongst others consisted of professionals working in ship financing, ship brokering, insurances and crew training, facilitated the engaging conversations. These included […]

Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) continuing collaboration

After the success of recent years, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) will confirm their continuing collaboration for another two years, during a visit of a Rotterdam delegation to Singapore. The collaboration consists of a Study Abroad Program in which a cohort of 80-120 Singaporean Maritime Studies students follow a 4-months program […]

Trendsessie Digitalisering tijdens het CHIO Rotterdam 2022

De nieuwste samenwerking tussen KPMG, Deltalinqs en RMSC op 24 juni 2022 had als onderwerp Digitalisering in de haven, waar je eigenlijk van alles onder kunt vatten. Daarom was het goed dat de keynote speech van Johan Smits aangaf wat er te winnen is door digitalisering toe te passen in de supply chains. Het bijgevoegde […]

Five questions for Jan van Esch, Artium Experts

Who are you and what is your job description? I am Jan van Esch, director and marine surveyor at Artium Experts, an independent loss adjusting firm in the Rotterdam Region, while working globally with my colleagues and partners. What does a typical day for you look like? As a marine surveyor I investigate the cause, […]

BlueForum – Sustainable Investments enabling your route to zero

On June 15, RMSC was represented by Pieter Baan (ING) and Peter van Eest (ABN-AMRO) at the Blue Forum. This 5 day international event took place on the ss Rotterdam. Efficient implementation of the energy transition The BlueForum is an initiative of MARIN to promote the smart and sustainable use of environment in the maritime […]

Round Table: Sustainable Investments enabling your route to zero

The RMSC is proud to be one of the co-organisers of the Wednesday pre-forum financial session during the Blue Week 2022. Together with Prow Capital, ABN-AMRO and ING Bank we will provide the participants with the latest insights on how to finance sustainable projects. Creating a sustainable future Zero emission power solutions are on the […]

RMSC welcomes Hienfeld as 60th member

While RMSC exists for 7 years this year, we are happy (and a bit proud) to welcome Hienfeld as our 60th member to the maritime business services community! During the start of RMSC in 2015, there were 20 companies who together thought it would be a great idea to join forces and put the business […]

Recap Spring drinks

It was a sunny Wednesday afternoon and the ambiance of the Lighthouse Café at the Maritime Museum gave the perfect venue for a get together between the members of RMSC and multiple prospective new members, where MARPRO immediately after the meeting signed up. Connie Roozen our chair gave a speech about the plans of the […]

Recap SMASH! event Autonomous Shipping

In March representatives of the sector gathered at a meeting organised by Smash! and IVR about insurances and the opportunities for autonomous shipping. A presentation about the possibilities by Damen Naval and the challenges and possibilities to insure autonomous vessels by SAA and MS Amlin gave room for discussion between the sector. For now, technically, […]

In the limelight: Edwin Veele and Mike Hagendoorn of HVK Stevens

When Willem Gerbers, one of the legal partners of Amsterdam-based Tax and Legal firm HVK Stevens, noticed how many other firms were leaving Rotterdam, he spotted a market opportunity and decided to buck the trend. And so, the company opened an office in Rotterdam in 2019, and they quickly developed an increased focus on the […]

Trend session Energy transition, 29 March 2022

Unmanned cargo ships, storage of CO2 and fuel from renewable raw materials. These are just a few of the inspiring innovations that are going on in the port of Rotterdam around the energy transition. The trend session Energy Transition in the port of Rotterdam of KPMG, Deltalinqs and Rotterdam Maritime Services Community (RMSC) gave young […]

RMSC belated New Year’s dinner

RMSC’s belated new years’ dinner turned out to be a great get together in an intimate atmosphere. In restaurant Chung, members were happy to see each other again after a long time. Our last in person event was the business lunch at Europort three months ago. Due to limited availability we unfortunately were only able […]

Get to know the board: Erik Witjens

Joining Steven Verhaar as a new member to the board, Erik Witjens was also elected during the last general assembly. His term started per the first of January 2022. Who is this second new board member? My affinity with the maritime sector tends to surprise people somewhat: most people don’t expect a criminal defence attorney […]

Online masterclass autonomous shipping

On December 9 the Rotterdam Maritime Services Community (RMSC) organised a joint webinar with the Rotterdam Maritime Capital of Europe network. The online Masterclass focused on the perspectives of maritime business services providers on autonomous shipping. With the help of various members the RMSC succeeded in providing valuable insights about the role and importance of […]

Singapore – Rotterdam – maritime clusters connected

On Oct 7th the Singapore Shipping Association (SSA) and the Rotterdam Maritime Services Community (RMSC) had the privilege to organise an interactive webinar between the maritime business services clusters of two leading areas in the world; Singapore and Rotterdam. The webinar started with a warm welcome to the more than 75 attendees by Dutch ambassador […]

Raymond Ko sails away…

After three years at the board the Rotterdam Maritime Services Community (RMSC) says of RMSC, we say goodbye to Raymond Ko. He started a new adventure at a shipping company earlier this year and together with Linda Treuman (manager of the RMSC), he looks back at his time with RMSC and the main challenges for […]