RMSC Breakbulk business lunch
a great time to meet.
On June 7 the RMSC had the pleasure to organise the second consecutive breakbulk business lunch. The event was hosted in the stand of RMSC member MS Amlin at Breakbulk Europe 2023. In combination with a 25% membership discount on entrance tickets, the lunch made a visit to the exhibition in Ahoy even more attractive.
Breakbulk and Project Cargoes are often special types of cargo, with a lot of maritime business services involved: special contracts, expertise bureaus, insurance clauses etc. No surprise that many of our members were visiting the fair!
This year we were welcome at the stand of MS Amlin, an insurer with a focus on complex and challenging risks – this is why they have their own stand at the Breakbulk Europe. With an amazing barista present at the stand, our members gathered for coffee and a sandwich and most importantly, to extend their network.
With more than 46 people at the same time at the stand, it proved to be a good concept during the fair, and hope to repeat this next year!