Recap Young RMSC drinks and RTM Port Drinks
On 27 July, the old harbor of Rotterdam welcomed a diverse group of Young RMSC professionals to finally meet each other again in person and enjoy a few refreshing beers.
The diverse group which amongst others consisted of professionals working in ship financing, ship brokering, insurances and crew training, facilitated the engaging conversations. These included discussions on the latest technologies in crew management, how the maritime market has been developing within different segments and some bold predictions were also shared.
And at the World Port Days, Young RMSC co-sponsored the RTM Port Drinks on the Friday, where 120 young professionals gathered from all the different port and maritime industries to mix and mingle and talk about the developments in the sector. It was a great cooperation with the Jong Havenvereniging, YoungShip, LINK, JongBroekman and YoungNMT, which calls for more.