Mare Forum November 6
During the 19th Mare Forum - Ship Finance, that was held on November…

Working visit alderman Arjan van Gils
The municipality of Rotterdam asked the RMSC to organize a working-visit…

Maritime Cyber Security Seminar
On Friday September 20 the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers,…

World Port Breakfast 2019
Part of the mission of RMSC is to interact with the other Rotterdam…

General Assembly – Overview – 54 members and counting!
The RMSC is growing and as an association, a general assembly…

RMSC event in London great success!
On September 11 the business lunch that was organised during…

Maritime Law and Logistics beyond 2020
The international seminar Maritime Law and Logistics beyond 2020,…

Network lunch Nor-Shipping
During NOR Shipping, Rotterdam Maritime Capital organised a high…

Interesting insights during special masterclass on the Rotterdam Maritime Chamber
The special Rotterdam Maritime Services Community (RMSC) masterclass…

Young RMSC Pubquiz – fun and networking!
On the 25th of April, we celebrated the first Young RMSC event…

Vivid discussions about on the economic impact of Brexit postponement
A week after the proposed brexit date, members of the Rotterdam…

Event recap: Maritime Innovation – Autonomous Shipping
Feb 19, 2019 was the first content related topic on the RMSC…

2019 focus RMSC
RMSC focusses on strengthening and developing maritime business…

Technical Visit Mariflex Group and networking with RBTS
On November 20th the Rotterdam Maritime Services Community (RMSC)…

Insights of the Mare Forum Ship Finance conference
On November 6 over 200 key players of the Dutch maritime industry…

Less than 150 days until Brexit!
The impact of Brexit for companies operating in the greater Rotterdam…

Innovation breakfast 2018 – Opening of the World Port Days
With more than 200 people joining in the historic Hulstkamp building,…

Exciting Summer Event with more than 70 RMSC relations!
What a great event we had last week – with more than 70 people…

Rotterdam Maritime Services Community present at CHIO Port Event
Last June 21 - 24, one of the best known sport events in Rotterdam…

Recap Workshop LNG As Marine Gas
On May 14th, a workshop with insights on LNG as marine gas was…

Recap Masterclass: The impact of Fin Tech on the maritime and logistics industry
Last week, the ING Bank and the Rotterdam Maritime Services Community…

Rotterdam Maritime Cluster visits Athens and Pireaus
On March 12 the first Rotterdam-Athens Piraeus meeting took place…

Vibrant RMSC New Year’s reception at the beautiful Schielandshuis
On Tuesday January 16 the Rotterdam Maritime Services Community…

Masterclass recap : Enter blockchain ; digitization in ports and shipping
Transparency a faster flow of data, faster status updates; this…

Young RMSC tests maritime trivia of young professionals
On April 6th Young RMSC organized a very successful pubquiz.…

Young RMSC lecture: the Hanjin case
Over 40 enthusiastic young professionals gathered last Thursday…

RMSC hosts insightful brainstorm session on Brexit dynamics
On November 24th the Rotterdam Maritime Services Community (RMSC)…

Official kickoff Young RMSC
On October 20th the official kick off of the new Young RMSC network…

Summer event & upcomming events
The end of the first semester of the Rotterdam Maritime Services…

Zomerevent Rotterdam Maritime Services Community
Woensdag 1 juli organiseert de Rotterdam Maritime Services Community…

1e editie van de Anatomy of Shipping business course
De eerste editie van de business course ‘Anatomy of Shipping…

RMSC versterkt maritieme zakelijke dienstverlening
Rotterdam internationaal op de kaart met maritieme zakelijke…

Kick-off RMSC
On February 3rd 2015 we celebrate the official start of the Rotterdam…