Full pogramme and personal interactions at Europort
The RMSC looks back at an inspiring exhibition week during Europort in Rotterdam Ahoy. Besides our own business lunch there were a lot of other interesting events going on. As usual we and many of our members were involved with the Mare Forum Ship Finance. We were happy to see the increased attention for the importance of ship finance and the special Young RMSC case on this topic that was part of the ShipCon Shipathon.
The Netherlands has it all
During the 20th Mare Forum that was held on Wednesday our Chair, Connie Roozen, addressed the audience with an inspiring opening speech. “Other countries may have more Shipowners than we have, but the Netherlands has it all. Efficient ports, a strong shipbuilding industry, every kind of imaginable knowledgeable maritime business services, and a proper innovative ecosystem.” With over 140 attendees the conference proved to be one of the highlights yet again.
Business lunch
We are particularly happy with the great turnup at or very own business lunch at the stand of Rotterdam Maritime Capital of Europe on Thursday. Over 70 maritime business services enthusiasts attended this networking event. As expected we saw a lot of happy faces and proper networking going on.
Friday & Co Shipbrokers receive recognition
Lastly we are proud for the recognition RMSC member Friday & Co Shipbrokers received for their attitude and efforts towards talent development. During the closing ceremony of ShipCon 2021 on Friday (no pun intended) YoungShip Rotterdam and YoungShip International announced them as winners of the Young Corporation Award 2021.