Networking event (Corona proof) aboard De Eendracht
It is almost unbelievable how quick things can take a different turn. Exactly two weeks ago (September 17) RMSC members were happy to meet aboard De Eendracht for the first RMSC ‘in person’ event in months. Everyone was eager to see each other.
Of course strict precautions were in place: the number of passengers was limited and networking was conducted ‘new style’ at safe distance. Since then reality has changed quite a bit, society is urged to take a step back and regulations have tightened up again. Lets hope all will change for the better soon!
RMSC looks back at a successful networking event. The weather was great, so a perfect day for a sailing trip through the port of Rotterdam. During which people were able to catch up with friends and relations from the maritime business services industry. It was a good mix of like minded people of which some know each other for twenty years but also newly settled ‘Rotterdammers’. Including three possible new members. With such a good atmosphere we cannot imagine they will take a pass.
It was a great afternoon, where we discussed the effect of Corona on our industry, but also made plans for future (Corona proof) events.
De Eendracht took the opportunity to elaborate on the history and the efforts crew and ship undertake to support special needs groups in Rotterdam. The RMSC is glad to be able to help the foundation to realise its mission by booking the vessel.