Company guide
Doldrums B.V.
Doldrums B.V.
Doldrums is founded on 1st June 2007 by four devoted and experienced surveyors. Meanwhile the team is enlarged with a fifth surveyor and office support. The surveyors have more than 70 years experience in total.
All surveyors are ex-seafarers, with a wide maritime and technical knowledge and experience. This knowledge and experience has been further developed over the past years and enriched with people knowledge, pragmatism and detailed knowledge of the insurance market.
- Three of our surveyors are registered surveyor with NIVRE (Association of the Dutch institute of Registered Surveyors).
- Two of our surveyors are authorized to carry out inspections of inland vessels on behalf of The Netherlands Shipping Inspectorate (Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport / ILenT). These surveyors are also authorised to carry out the so-called Damage Prevention Inspections to inland ships, on instruction of underwriters.
- Two surveyors are member of the International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS) in the UK, one of them is honourable member.
- One surveyor is registered at the Dutch Registry of Appraisers (Verenigd Register van Taxateurs /VRT). One surveyor is member of the association of surveyors for coastal, Rhine and inland shipping (Vereniging van Experts voor Kust- , Rijn- , en Binnenvaart /VEKRB) en LRGD (Stichting Landelijk Register van Gerechtelijke Deskundigen)
J.W. van Bodegraven
+31 10-4299590
Waalstraat 26, 3087 BP Rotterdam, Nederland