Company guide



AKD is a leading specialist in litigious and non-litigious issues relating to transport and energy. We have a dedicated team of lawyers solving legal problems in the world of shipping, offshore, ports, land transport, aviation and international trade, including regulatory issues.

Our multidisciplinary team combines the highest level of legal expertise with in-depth knowledge of the markets and industry sectors our clients operate in. We rapidly recognize new developments and their impact on risk management within our clients' businesses. We of course know all the tried and tested answers to the common problems. But we do not want to simply stop there.

In our commitment to achieving the best results for our clients, we dare to go down unbeaten tracks and come up with surprising solutions. Our team is comprised of diverse individuals with all sorts of backgrounds, skills and behaviours. We cultivate an environment in which each team member develops his individual strengths to the fullest. We are committed to making the best out of ourselves, so we can achieve the best for our clients

AKD - Rotterdam Martime Services Comunity - RMSC

Contact Information
Contact: Jan Kromhout
Phone: +31-88 2535373
Wilhelminakade, 3072 AP Rotterdam, The Netherlands